Appointments: (847) 433-1900
To make an appointment call us directly at (847) 433-1900 and let us know when you would like to drop off your car or loose rims.
If you are requesting same day delivery please mention that when calling – there is limited space per day for same day wheel repairs (note: only wheel straightening can be done same day, cosmetic refinishing and welding will take longer then one day)
If you are dropping off your car before we open in the morning there is a drop off slot in our front door that you can leave your keys in. Please remember to leave a note with your name and contact info so we can confirm your work order.
If the damaged rim is on your car we can put on your spare tire if you do not want to leave the whole car while we do the work.
Arranging transportation:
303 Taxi: (847) 588-0303
Metra Union Pacific/North Line, Highwood stop: ($5 taxi ride from our shop)
Car Rental: Contact Krystian Bukowski @ (847) 831-3880; Enterprise will pick you up at our shop.